Jessie is a Cat with a Sense of Humor


Early one morning, 17 years ago, Jessie was born in my bed. A beautiful Orange Tabby named Destiny gave birth to 4 kittens before Jessie jumped out. He wants to make it perfectly clear that he was not “the runt of the litter.” Jessie has always had a great sense of humor and an ability to make me laugh. He was destined to be my guide.


Jessie likes to say he has a “perfectly imperfect” face and that his markings were spattered on by Angels. He is is strong-willed and meows away until he gets his way. Jessie has decided that he would like to share his perspective in this Blog. As usual, what Jesse wants, Jessie gets. “Cat Nags” can be very irritating!

Jessie says people are way too caught up and focused on things that do not matter. Most of the stress and unhappiness humans experience is based on meaningless standards, thoughts and expectations. Let it all go! Laugh it off!  Only our soul, the heart of our spiritual center, matters. This is the only real source of joy, peace and love.

Play more! Laugh heartily! Celebrate life! See the joy in every moment. Commit to keeping worldly distractions from intruding on your happiness. See these diversions for what they are and acknowledge how much bigger you are than any “problem” or “issue” that may arise. The grander you grow yourself, the less significant challenges will seem.

Perspective creates the perception of problems rather than the actual circumstances. You get to make the choice and expand your “self” as large as you like. Remember this wisdom any time you regress back. Take a few deep breaths and reconnect to your higher self.

You are Amazing! You are Loved! You Deserve to Be Happy! Now go forth and “Be Joy!”

Find Out What Your Pet Wants To Share.

Healing With Jessie
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4 thoughts on “Healing With Jessie

  • August 8, 2018 at 12:46 PM

    This is beautiful!???

    • August 8, 2018 at 1:41 PM

      Thank you, Anita! Jessie says that you are Beautiful and I agree!

  • August 9, 2018 at 9:11 AM

    Dearest Jill: I always enjoy reading your perspective so much! And i agree- the cats know: I’ve learned, after great loss in my life, that we must enjoy every moment we can. Make the most of life. Love ourselves & each other, love & help the animals, help take care of the environment. Do all we can to help good causes. But don’t forget to play! These things will enrich our lives and those of others and the dear animals we share this earth with.

    • August 10, 2018 at 10:27 AM

      Beautifully said, Wendy! Thank you for sharing.

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