Animal Legislation

You Can Help Animals!

Ask Your Congressional Representatives to

Oppose the EATS ACT

(Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression Act)


The EATS Act is designed to wipe out state laws that ban the sale of products that are the result of cruel cage confinement of egg-laying chickens, mother pigs, and baby veal calves. If passed, it could also destroy hundreds of other protections against cruelties like the abuse of dogs in puppy mills and the killing of animals in the wildlife trade.


Send a Message to Congress to Oppose the EATS Act Below


Oppose the EATS Act



Ask Governor Hochul to Sign the

Wildlife Killing Contests Ban into Law

It was a huge step forward to see the bill to ban brutal wildlife-killing contests pass the NYS Assembly and Senate last month. But we’re not out of the woods until Governor Hochul signs the bill. With your help, we can stop innocent animals from being barbarically slaughtered for cash or prizes in wildlife-killing contests in NY state. 

Send a Quick Message to Governor Hochul Urging her to Sign the Bill into Law at the Link Below

Ban Wildlife Killing Contests

`Ask Governor Hochul to Sign the

Wildlife Killing Contests Ban into Law

Ask Your NYC Council Member to Co -Sponsor

Intro 573 (Ryder’s Law) – Ban Horse Carriages

Horses are injured and die too often while working in the NYC carriage industry. These horses receive improper care, are neglected, and are malnourished. This legislation will replace cruel horse carriages with safer, cruelty-free electric carriages that provide good union jobs with fair pay and benefits for the drivers.

Find Your Council Member at the Link Below and Ask Them to Co-Sponsor Intro 573

Ban Carriage Horses



Content Copyright 2022-2023. Jill Lauri.  All Rights Reserved.