Sunday, October 1, 2023
10 am to 4 pm
Under the Dome
Beach 94 Street & Shore Front Parkway
Rockaway Beach, NY 11693

Rockaway’s annual celebration of our relationships with animals will feature ways to live in harmony with animals and help them on the spot, labyrinth peace walks, a pet memorial, a donation drive, and a tribute to farm animals. Contact [email protected] to volunteer, participate, or donate.
What To Expect at ANIMAL ROCK 2023:
· Pet Memorial Board to post photos of pets who have passed. Bring photos of your beloved pets.
· Donation Drive of clean towels, sheets & blankets, unopened pet food & new/lightly used toys & supplies for animals at Animal Care Centers of NYC. Cash donations are also welcome and will be used to purchase items for the animals at the shelters.
· Labyrinth Animal Peace Walks for adults, children, and dogs. Love Strolls for adults to send loving energy to animals in distress, Labyrinth Gallops for children to walk through the eyes of the animal kingdom, and Canine Trots so pet parents can experience a new way of relating to their animal companions.
· Links to Rescue Animals available for adoption and foster at Animal Care Centers of NYC
· Opportunity to Advocate for animals on the spot to Oppose the EATS Act and Ban Wildlife Killing Contests
·Tribute to Farm Animals and Information about Factory Farming and resources for eating a more plant-based diet for World Farmed Animals Day
· Ways to Understand & Deepen Your Connection with Animals
· And More!

The Media Roars About ANIMAL ROCK
“Celebrating Rockaway’s Animals”
by Dan Guarino of THE ROCKAWAY TIMES
“Celebrate Animals And Nature in Harmony at ANIMAL ROCK 2023″
by Paula DiGioia in The Glorified Tomato Column of THE WAVE
“We can honor animals and shift how we relate to them by making conscious choices in our everyday activities. Each change we make has an impact. As we engage in compassionate action on behalf of animals, our lives will transform, and our planet will begin to heal.”
~Jill Lauri~
More Information about Animal Rock 2023 is On the Way So Check Back
Join Us and Rock With the Animals!

Thank you for hydrating the Volunteers & Dogs at Animal Rock.
Check out their Vegan Food Options!
Animal Rock 2022 Was a Howl!
The money raised through the ANIMAL ROCK Event Raffle was donated to PeTA’s “Stop Animal Testing” Challenge. PeTA surpassed their goal, unlocking a $500,000 match. The more than $1 Million raised will go towards modernizing research and ending the suffering of dogs, cats, mice, monkeys & other animals who are tormented in archaic experiments.
Together we can create a world where nonhuman animals are treated with respect, love & compassion!
We had a Beautiful Day Celebrating our Relationships with Animals at ANIMAL ROCK! It was a Multi-Species Event. Humans, Dogs, Cats, and even Monarch Butterflies and Whales joined the festivities!
Read All About It
Photos Taken By Dan Guarino
A celebration of our relationships with animals. Information on ways to help animals, raffle prizes, animal blessings, pet adoption referrals, dog treats, and more!
The Rockaway Times Gets Ready to Rock With the Animals (article no longer on line)

Animals Leap Onto PETPIX World
Jill talks with Vasi Siedman about ANIMAL ROCK.

Jill discusses ANIMAL ROCK with Tommy D & Valerie.
Welcome to ANIMAL ROCK!
Interfaith Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Eleni Marudis, Services with Love.
Thank You for Supporting Animals!

Bigotry begins when categories such as race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or species are used to justify discrimination.
Responders for sick or injured seals, sea turtles, dolphins, porpoises, and small-toothed whales, and maintain the only marine mammal and sea turtle rehabilitation center in New York State. 24-Hour Strandling Hotline: 631-369-9829

Promotes the study and conservation of marine life and habitat, protects the coast from harm, and empowers others to do the same.
Raffle Prizes & Treats
Animal Communication & Animal~Nature Inspired Coaching Sessions, Pet Nutritional Products, Leashes & Accessories, Pet Portrait, Dog Training Sessions, Jewelry, T-Shirt for Animal Lovers, On-Line Pet Photography Courses, and Animal-Friendly Books.
Mara’s Ice Cream Parlor & Thai ROCK offered special treats for ANIMAL ROCK attendees on the day of the Event.
Bring Out the Best in Your Pet.

Walk. Protect. Refresh. Spleash Your Leash.
ANP l Animal Nutritional Products
High-quality ingredients with added benefits to help dogs and cats live long, happy and healthy lives.

A Leash, Collar, and Harness, All-in-One.
Lisa Corradi, Owner & Artist of Custom Fine Art.

The bond between animal lovers is incredibly strong.
The top go-to virtual community center uniting pet lovers, pet business owners & supporting pet charity organizations.

Lyn Richards Pawlowski, Dog Trainer.
If you can Dream it. She can Create it.

The Elephant and Children’s Land Story
Wisdom from the Elephants.
Mara’s Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream is Exceptional!

For all of your printing needs.
Content Copyright 2022. Jill Lauri. All Rights Reserved.